Synergy RE Group LLC

How to win

Home > How to win

Building a Win-Win Community…
One House at a Time​

Sell quickly and Sell the Easy Way

Whether you are going through a major life event,
going through a divorce, currently facing financial
difficulties, inherited an unwanted property, tired
of being a landlord, need to move for a job or promotion,
or just looking for a change, we can help you…as we
have helped others.

Do you have little or NO Equity and need to sell quick?
suddenly faced with unexpected repairs or have the
regular maintenance just gotten away from you? or tired
of managing tenants, we have a solution!

We are a Professional Home Buying Company, and our goal is to make YOUR experience with US as SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE and providing complete transparency, so you can move on with your life in confident and peace, and quit worrying about your house.

Our Goal; A triple WIN…

We enjoy adding an extra “Win” to the phrase “a Win-Win Situation” in any deal or transactions that we are part of. If we cannot do that, we simply will not do the transaction. That is part of our core value, and the only way we deserve to earn Your trust.

You WIN by having all of the expenses are taken care of, the house is maintained, and you are receiving all of the tax benefits associated with being a landlord, with none of the management responsibilities. And we ensure the transaction is an easy, stress-free one.
And you help another family’s dream come through, by helping them achieve home ownership which they could otherwise not obtain, and help keep the neighborhood great! It’s a fact that home owners keep their properties in better shape.

Our tenant/buyer WINS by having the opportunity to own a home in a much shorter amount of time than they would be able to if they tried to use the conventional method, and they are able to immediately occupy their new “dream” home while qualifying for their loan.
We have created a system that creates the paperwork that mortgage lenders look for when qualifying people for loans to assist our tenant/buyers. In addition, we set our tenant/buyers up with our partners who assist them in the loan qualification process.

We WIN by profiting from the sale of the home, as well as gaining two more satisfied customers.
The reason that we are in business is, of course, to make a profit. But more importantly our passion and driving force is being able to solve Sellers current situation or get rid of a headache for them, while also being able to help renters become homeowners, and see their dreams become a reality.

“A Winner is a Dreamer who never gives up” – Nelson Mandela


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